
Mr Clean eating pies

I am clamping on my chine stringy to check it will fit

I am countersink boring the screw holes

I am digging the gunge out of this ready to glue on my stringy

Microfibre glue

I covered it overnight as I knew it would rain

Taking the bottom off so I can look at my frames

Screwing the bottom back on

These blocks are to hold it until I am happy its all in the right places

While I was at school dad took these.

Somehow my nose has dropped and the gap has gone

THe nose is pointy

He muttered about fair when he looked at this.

I think its better than fair.

I think its brilliant !

I am not allowed to touch this. Dad uses it to shape wood and fibreglass.

He thinks the stringy is only fair as well.

I think its very good


Dad is trying to get me to put the deck on now before the topsides.

Not sure why.
